maintenacecode15 – Redeem code for rewards (Added on February 16th, 2023).diablo12 – Redeem code for rewards (Added on February 21st, 2023).blamsponge – Redeem code for X240 Stardust, 3K Gems, 1K Gold (Requires Level 50+) (Added on February 25th, 2023).blamsponge – Redeem code for 240x Stardust, 3000x Gems, 1000x Gold (Requires Level 50+) (Added on March 25th, 2023).newupdcode3 – Redeem code for 150 stardust, 1000 gems (Added on March 25th, 2023).newupdcode2 – Redeem code for 150 stardust (Added on March 25th, 2023).minicode15 – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on March 26th, 2023).youtubekingluff圓50kdone – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on April 2nd, 2023).melonmen1 – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on April 2nd, 2023).youtubekingluff圓50kdone – Redeem code for White Star Ball.ASTDEggOpenedFinally – Redeem code for 100 Stardust, 2,750 Gems, 1K Gold (Added on April 17th, 2023).Blamsdefnotlate300kcode – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on April 17th, 2023).Chainsmoke91 – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on April 18th, 2023).rolerewardcode – Redeem code for 250x Stardust (Added on May 2nd, – Level 50+ Requirement).The following codes are now not working anymore

The ASTD codes will work for only a specific period. And if the code is inactive, the game will show you a message saying that the code is expired or not available. Also, ensure that the code is appropriately entered, as some codes are case-sensitive. If the code is active, you shall receive the rewards immediately. You will get to choose to redeem the codes. This will pop out a new window screen with a code input box. Click the setting/gear icon in the lower-right corner of the game screen. It’s straightforward to redeem ASTD codes. happylatemothersday – Redeem code for 150x Stardust & 2000x Gems (Added on May 15th– Level 50+ Requirement).navyxflamelate200kcodeomg – Redeem code for 100x Stardust, 1x Ultra SSJ3 Rose Goku Black Unit, & 1x Zamasu Evolve Token (Added on May 15th – Level 70+ Requirement).happylatemothersday – Redeem code for 150x Starudst, 2000x Gems(Added on May 16th – Level 70+ Requirement).sorryfordelayupdate2 – Redeem code for 2000x Gems, 200x Stardust (1-Hour Played After Release (Level 40+ Requirement) (Added on June 10th, 2023).NavyXFlameOtherCode – Redeem code for Rewards (Added on June 10th, 2023).abouttimesnowrbx2023 – Redeem code for a Unit (Added on June 10th, 2023).july4threalupdate – Redeem code for 2000x Gems, 150x Stardust, 1x July 4th Code Unit “Ganyu(Added on July 5th, 2023).2.6 Is There Any Requirement To Redeem ASTD Codes? All Star Tower Defense Codes Wiki