Each instructor emphasizes different material so these lectures should be used to supplement your instructor's lectures, not replace them. See the chart for more details on the contents of each DVD. There are two or three lessons on each DVD. Utilize to find University of Florida Calculus tutors today Call Now To Set Up Tutoring (800) 416-5954.
A hard copy of the textbook and solutions manual are NOT required. Share relevant University of Florida Calculus tutors with University of Florida classmates to make the tutor search process even faster for them. They must be watched on the library's machines. Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th edition, by Stewart. Rosenthal's lectures are available on DVD at the audio-visual desk on the fifth floor of the Green Library. You may visit the Tutorial Office or email them at Prof. The phone number of the office is 30 (MMC) or 30 (BBC).
You may receive free tutoring, whether you are a minority or not, but by appointment only.

Otherwise it may not be possible to reschedule. See the chart for more details on the contents of each video. If MAC 2311 is the lower course number, students must inform their instructor in person at least ONE WEEK in advance of the exam date so that appropriate accommodations can be made. Rosenthal's lectures are available on iTunes U. The videos were made when we were using the 8th edition of the text, so section numbers and page numbers mentioned in the videos will not correspond to your book. Need graph paper and the stores are closed? Print it out.In Fall 2017, the MAC 2311 final exams contained many problems similar to those in this exam problem collection. If preparing from these, focus on understanding and general procedures (when available) rather than the specific question. UF Registrar on Facebook UF Registrar on Twitter UF Registrar on Instagram UF Registrar on YouTube. Starting in Spring 2018, MAC 2311 (Calculus I) classes have common final exams. Calculus: MAC 2311: State Core M: College Writing 2: ENC 1101: State Core C: Contemporary Mathematics: MGF 1106: State Core M: Earth Science: ESC 1000: State Core P.Calculus students should refresh and fill in gaps of pre-calculus algebra and trigonometry material needed in calculus.